I can't believe these mini-labs are becoming a great incentive/enrichment!! I'm loving that is making my kids love science and behave in order to complete one of these labs!! JACKPOT!!
We observed a chemical reation between the hydrogen peroxide and the yeast. It was great to talk about! This experiment became a hit instantly and kids were asking for a list of ingredients to do it at home.
I have listed information below, let me know how it goes!! @ Loven3rdgrade or comment below :)
Materials Needed:
- an empty plastic soda bottle (about 16 oz)
- 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide
- 1 pkg of yeast
- 1/4 cup of warm water
- dish soap
- a cup
- optional: food coloring
Adults: Pour the peroxide into the bottles
1. Have the kids place a few drops of food coloring into the bottles with the peroxide.
2. Add a squirt of dishsoap and swirl the bottle to mix.
3. In the cup, mix the water and yeast and stir for a few seconds to combine.
4. Then have them pour the yeast into the bottle with the peroxide and watch what happens!
Afterwards, talk about what they observed.
Warning: Food coloring will turn fingers colors, and it will come off. :)
Estimated time of completion: 10-15 minutes - Do outside to avoid mess!
Warning: Food coloring will turn fingers colors, and it will come off. :)
Estimated time of completion: 10-15 minutes - Do outside to avoid mess!
Hi. Thanks for sharing this fun lab idea. With all the snow and cold, it's hard to believe spring will come some day, and we can do a science experiment outside. You are lucky to live in California!