
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Liebster Award and FREEBIE

Over the past few days I have made it my task to find out more information on the the Liebster Award. It seems there isn't too much out there about it, however after reading through the blogs that it linked me to, I think I gained more of a "sense" of it.

I would, first, like to thank the 3 blogs that have nominated me for this award. Teaching with Twitte, Teaching 3rd With Mr. G, and Third and Goal. I am thankful for their thoughts of me during the nomination process.

I have nominated the following 3 blogs:

In order to accept the nomination, we must: 
Link back the blogs that nominated us
Nominate 3-5 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
Answer the questions posted by the nominators
Share 11 random facts about myself 
Create 11 questions for my nominees
Contact my nominees and let them know I have nominated them

11 questions for the nominees

Why do you blog?
To reflect, share and gain current ideas

What is your favorite book for a read aloud?
I would say any book by Patricia Palacco 

Are you a good dancer?
Yes, I danced in college

Do you have a favorite teacher/education website?
Yes I LOVE Beth Newingham and her website

What are you most excited about for the new school year?
My NEW team! Can't wait.. AWESOME group of ladies

What subject do you love to teach the most?
I love Reading.. but Math is .5 away.. I love!

How do you handle a tough day on the education field?
I exercise

Which holiday break is your favorite?
Winter Break

Which is better... pens or pencils?
Definitely Pens.. but they have to be colorful

Favorite type of music?
R&B and Pop... Anything that gets me moving

Favorite piece of advice to share with educators? 
Never allow yourself to settle for less than your very best. If you have a great idea, put it in action. (With principal approval of course)

11 RANDOM Facts about Me

1. I'd rather wear gym clothes
2. I ALWAYS try to return the cart at the grocery store
3. My favorite color is Lime Green
4. I'm terrified Of the Muppets
5. Dark colors depress me
6. I love to smile
7. Summer is my favorite season
8. I have more than 30 nail polishes
9. I can't sleep without the TV
10. I'm addicted to gummi candy
11. My sister is my best friend

11 questions for the nominees
Why do you blog?
What is your favorite book for a read aloud?Are you a good dancer?
Do you have a favorite teacher/education website?
What are you most excited about for the new school year?
What subject do you love to teach the most?How do you handle a tough day on the education field?
Which holiday break is your favorite?
Which is better... pens or pencils?
Favorite type of music?
Favorite piece of advice to share with educators?

 In honor of being nominated I would like to open up a Back to School item on my TPT site. This FREEBIE will remain free for 3 hours! :)

Thank you all so much!!


  1. Kelli,
    I was just nominated for this same award and started following you so that I could have you as one of my nominees! Looks like some others beat me to it! Rats! Do you have any tips on finding new bloggers to nominate? As you will see I am so new to blogging I don't even have 10 posts!

    Oh and I LOVE Patricia Palacco! She has an awesome Meteor Festival every year in her home town of Union, Michigan! I suggest going if you ever get the chance!

    1. Hey Susan!

      I'm sorry I don't have any special tricks on finding nominees, however I will say when I went around to other people's blogs and clicked on their friends I was able to find some new blogs that I LOVE! Maybe try that? Go to some of your favorite blogs and look at their friends. Patricia Palacoo is my FAVE! I may have to look into that festival.

      I will gladly go follow your blog! I hope that you will follow mine as well! :)


  2. Follow me at!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this nomination!
