
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Throwback Thursday

We made it to THURSDAY! Thank you God for your grace!

So... I was thinking that since today was Thursday I would take a minute to think back to last year. Think about something that you have previously done, because I'm sure we all did some great things that we could share. So please share some favorites of your own! 
I WANT to hear them! :)

Abbreviation Craftivity
After learning about abbreviations and singing the "abbreviation song"  haha.. we made a craft. The only rule was that you have to use your abbreviation in the picture. It can't just be "in it", but it has to be a part of it. The kids took it and "ran" with it! <3 I would do this again. It was a win- win, kids got to draw and I got to find an activity that let them use abbreviations.

Texas Gifted and Talented PSP Project
Building a business!! OH what fun this was! LOVED this!! The kids did research on popular toy companies. Learned how they began, and who the inventors were. They then became inventors and created their own toy company! What an awesome thing! Some of the kids came up with some good project ideas. If only we could build it?!?! 

Puzzle Games
 I love the idea of using puzzles to strengthen skills!! I made several different puzzles and some in language and some in math. My kiddos enjoy them because its a different format! All I did was go to dollar tree and trace the puzzle pieces, write part on the puzzle and the other part on the board. Works great!
I make these for people. I do ask that you give me a few days. But I do make them on TPT! These are fun for kids.

"Create something that will make the world AWESOME!" 
- Kid President

I LOVE what i do!! Have a BLESSED Thursday!

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