
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Everyday Counts!

Anchor Chart inspired by Katie Mense
This week in B115 we have been learning more about graphing! This has been a truly eye opening experience for me, for I had a difficult time visualizing exactly how graphing lessons should be in the 3rd grade classroom. I can truly say that the way to increase the level of learning is through word problems. One activity the students did was create their own word problems regarding one graph. It amazed me how when I allowed the "test taker" to also be the "test maker" they thought more in-depth about how they would word the problem and how to word the question. Some students used previous questions that we used in class to emulate the structure of their problem. It's great to see them use their left and right brain in collaboration!

Using Technology for Math
This week, I have recently begun bringing my iPad into the classroom and allowing the students to handle it and use it for learning purposes. It is wonderful how many apps are available to kids for learning. (If only schools had enough money for all students to have a tablet! :) ) Despite the shortage, the students have been great about taking care of mine and using it throughout the day.

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Today we used an app for Graphing pie graphs and bar graphs of our class polls! This was a very exciting event for the students. Having a chance to vote and viewing their data in a live graph truly made this information relevant. This was a lot of fun!

In reading, we continue to add more information to our Schema each day! I use reader's notebooks in my classroom in order to supplement instruction. I enjoy these notebooks for they allow students to have a great storage of information that we do together as well as what is done independently. We use them just about weekly in our classroom, expecially during independent reading time, for both poetry and reading. Great comprehension prompts for class or small group. :)

As always thank you for reading! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. It was great to meet you today! I hope that we can all get together again soon.


    1. Barbara it was a pleasure meeting you!! I can't wait until the next meeting!

  2. The iPad graphing/poll app is awesome. Such a good find!

    1. Thank you for the great comment Mr. G!! The kids love the iPad and they take good care of it, it's me I'm worried about!!
